Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 1

Game Plan For Wellbeing
1 min read

In this episode, Matt talks with Anthony Minichiello about the importance of nutrition and eating well to help us feel healthy whilst we are at home. Take a look at the video and the challenge for this week.



  • For 2-weeks eat only three meals and cut out all snacks

  • Give your digestion a rest for 12 hours every day by leaving a space between dinner & breakfast for the 2-week challenge

  • OPTIONAL: 10 days off coffee

Tip Sheet:

  • Get outside and get some direct sunlight on your face

  • Walk on the grass with bare feet (Earthing)

  • Know the source of your food and how you prepare it (for more info go to )

  • Cut the CRAP

  • Carbonated Drinks

  • Refined Sugars

  • Artificial Sweeteners & Colours

  • Processed Foods


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