Meet Our Team
Our team have achieved so much in high performance sports and business leadership and been fortunate to work with some of the most amazing humans on the planet. Their lived experience in the implementation of techniques through their pursuit of excellence or recovering from setbacks is what makes our team and sessions so engaging.
We deliver our content or keynote sessions through an immersive and interactive format that enhances comprehension and facilitates seamless integration of the session’s content into their work and home lives.
Our approach integrates sports science principles, backed by evidence and refined through successes with world champions, high-performance athletes, and business leaders.
We are dedicated to inspiring our audience to enhance teams and individuals; leadership, wellbeing, recovery and performance.
Rowdy McLean
Susan Pearse
Matt Elliott
Leadership & Culture Coach
Anthony Minichiello
Dr Ali Walker
Nam Baldwin
Jeff Hardy
Mark Hughes
Andrew Ryan
Angela Lockwood
Brett Robinson
Dr Juliette Tobias-Webb
Katie Herford
Teena Martin
John Daley
You are in good company