Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 3

Game Plan For Wellbeing

It’s week 3 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing.


This week our founder, Matt Elliott, sits down with mentor Nam Baldwin. Nam is a breath training and high-performance Coach and has worked with world champions, NRL teams, business leaders and is a regular presenter at The Change Room program. In this week’s video Nam helps us understand how breathing can take us from a state of stress to a state of calm. Nam explains that the one thing we do have control over is our breath and regulating this helps us cope better with stress, gives us mental clarity and keeps us present.


Nam also provides some useful tips for communicating ver Zoom and facing some difficult conversations or meetings.




  • Every morning for the next two weeks when you wake up do 2 minutes of nasal breathing to help oxygenate your body and let’s try not to touch our phones for at least the first 30 minutes of when we wake up. Let the first 30 minutes be about your health.

  • During the day if you need a break to prepare for, or come out of a stressful situation remember that the way you breathe has the biggest impact on how you feel. Nam has created a tool to guide you through this practice Click here to listen now

  • You need to be calm to go to sleep – try practising Nam’s breathing technique for a few minutes as you go to bed of an evening to help calm your mind.


Good luck and we hope this helps you during this time.


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