Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 6

Game Plan For Wellbeing

It’s week 6 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing and I hope you are all holding together well. How did you get on with Angela’s challenge for you last week?

The goal of these videos is to provide you with different ways to elevate your wellbeing from our mentors. Some ways might work better for you than others so try what feels right to become part of your daily/weekly routine.

Today our Founder, Matt Elliott, talks with Jeff Hardy about the Indigenous practices that have stood the test of time and are sure to have an impact on your wellbeing. As a mentor of The Change Room, Jeff passes wisdom and knowledge from his culture and emphasise the importance of taking time to connect with your story and appreciate nature – our greatest teacher of all!




This week’s Challenge:

  • 2-3 times in the next 2-weeks step out into nature (the bush, a park, the beach). Leave your phone and other technology at home and take time to appreciate the beauty before you

  • Notice how nature makes you feel and either write it down or share your experience with a friend or family member

  • Invite someone to join you on your walk

Tip Sheet:

  • Take time to learn about your personal, family and cultural history

  • Ask questions of those around you rather than relying on Google

  • What was it like when your parents & grandparents were growing up?


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