Game Plan for Wellbeing – Episode 8

1 min read

It’s week 8 of The Change Room Game Plan for Wellbeing.


The Change Room Founder, Matt Elliott, catches up with Anthony Minichiello who shares his insights on how you can increase your mobility, stability and fitness during the lockdown. Movement and exercise have a huge impact, not just on our physical state, but our emotional and mental health. It stimulates our lymphatic system and releases dopamine which helps us anticipate pleasure, feel motivated, and maintain hope.


Anthony encourages us to focus on the things we can do, find balance and create new habits around movement and exercise. Click on the below video to find out how.



For 1-week schedule 10-15min of movement or exercise into your daily routine (ideally outside)


Tip Sheet:

  • Write down a few notes on how you feel after you do your exercise or activity – you will be amazed when looking back at these notes at the end of the week at how important this is for your wellbeing

  • See if you can get in a walking meeting into your schedule or if you are watching tv for an evening – stretch during the ad breaks

  • Get a friend to join you on this challenge for the week – set a time to meet every day

Pump up your endorphins and kick start this week on a high!

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