
Wellness & Life Design Coach

Yela is a Certified IIN Health Coach, Level 1 Wellness Australia Coach, Group Fitness Trainer and a Yoga Instructor. After a successful corporate career that spanned over 25 years, where Yela held various senior management roles in the Travel and Tourism Industry, a serious health issue in 2014 led her to re-evaluate life as she knew it.

Yela followed her new passion and embarked on a new career in Health and Wellbeing, working with individuals and organisations delivering healthy lifestyle coaching, workshops, seminars and programs. With a passion for bringing out potential and seeing people at their best, Yela partners with her clients to identify, take action, upgrade behaviours and achieve their goals through on-going support, encouragement and motivation.

Yela is focused on supporting individuals to implement long term sustainable changes to their wellbeing, to enable them to become the best version of themselves.


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